Hi Paul. I am finding that notes are being skipped when playing the tab on Guitar Pro and sending MIDI to a guitar plug-in in Logic. What would you recommend?
Answered by Paul Andrews, Audio Support.
I recently received this question from a client and we arranged a remote support session for me to connect to his Mac and diagnose the problem.
My client explained that he had followed this tutorial to set up the connection between Guitar Pro and Logic Pro X.
Everything seemed to be working, but certain notes were not being played back by Logic’s sampler guitar sound.
After about 20 minutes investigating the settings on both apps and checking the flow of the MIDI, I found the issue was caused by a combination of two factors.
1. Guitar Pro’s MIDI settings
Guitar Pro has an option to use multiple MIDI channels when transmitting a track’s MIDI data outside the app. This is useful in some situations but doesn’t work well with Logic’s internal guitar sounds. I advised my client to set both 1st and 2nd MIDI channels to MIDI Channel 1.

2. Logic’s internal guitar plugin range

Logic’s Sampler uses a complex system of zones and groups to assign samples to be played back under certain MIDI conditions. The main benefit of this is that the velocity of MIDI notes affects the tone of the guitar sound.
The notes in this particular zone in this particular guitar preset (Clean Strat) had only been programmed up to the note G#3. Any MIDI notes received from A3 and above would not make a sound as there is no sample assigned to these notes.
I explained to my client that we could remap the zones of this Logic’s Sampler in order to fix the problem, but the easier solution was to select a different guitar plug-in. I recommended we load Electric Guitar from Native Instruments, which my client had installed on his system as part of Komplete 14. This instrument also had a better, more realistic sound when compared to Logic’s Sampler guitar.

At the end of our hour’s remote session, my client was happy that we had solved the problem, improved the sound of his virtual guitar and he now had a much better understanding of how his setup worked.
If you need help with any aspect of Logic Pro, Guitar Pro or MIDI routing in OSX, please get in touch.

I’m the owner and lead technician for Audio Support, a small company based in London, UK that connects remotely with clients worldwide to help them with their music technology issues. I’ve run Audio Support since 2005 and in that time I’ve seen and solved thousands of recording studio problems.
Outside of Audio Support, I run music workshops at a local school, play bass in a 90s tribute function band and perform modular synth jams with friends on Twitch.
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