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Home » Audio Support Jobs » Focusrite Scarlett Audio Interface Disconnecting

Focusrite Scarlett Audio Interface Disconnecting

Connected remotely to a client in Dover who was having problems with her Focusrite Scarlett audio interface not being recognised by Cubase. Solved by reinstalling the driver software.

Used the rest of the hour session to show the client how to download and install any updated driver software for herself if the problem occurred again in the future.

About the Author


I’m the owner and lead technician for Audio Support, a small company based in London, UK that connects remotely with clients worldwide to help them with their music technology issues. I’ve run Audio Support since 2005 and in that time I’ve seen and solved thousands of recording studio problems. 

Outside of Audio Support, I run music workshops at a local school, play bass in a 90s tribute function band and perform modular synth jams with friends on Twitch.

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